Shainaaa (:

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Class

Class is starting to be so much less complicating and less stressful. I'm super glad it's getting fun now. I love being able to come into a class and not have to sit down at a desk and write on paper for an hour and a half. I also like it because all the kids in this class are nice. Everyone in here gets along and it makes my day so much better when I walk in this class room. Also, I am very impressed with Chez for teaching this class. She's doing such a great job, especially for someone who is pretty much new to all this. It is a great learning experience, and it's definitely different. I will NEVER forget my English 12 class at Riverside High School. I love you all !


Making buttons in Flash was not that hard for me to understand. I actually thought it was very simple after I watched the video on how to create buttons. I was in the Digital Imaging class last year and we worked with Flash quite a bit so I think I may catch on to things a little faster than others. The only thing I don't understand is the coding. That's more difficult in my opinion. But making buttons was not complicating at all.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Canterbury Tales

In the prologue I read from The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer described many different characters. He used stereotypes while he was describing each character. As I was reading, I realized how each of the characters he described were stereotyped based mostly on wealthiness. I think Chaucer chose these specific characters because they are great examples of how no matter what time period you may be in, people are never treated equally and someone is usually always being judged.

I'm not so great at understanding things unless they are told in the "average" way..... like, in the English language. Ha ha. And I don't understand when people use figures of speech and such, I'm too simple for that. But the way I understood it, Chaucer was describing each individual in their own way, but yet he was comparing them to how today's society is; especially based on how poorly he or she lived, which is a very common stereotype used in the world today. There are so many judgmental people nowadays and no matter what, you can never be good enough for anyone or anything.

There were a few characters who stuck out to me, like the nun and the monk. The nun because she was described in a way I could better comprehend; and the monk because he was very simple. He wasn't fancy and didn't seem to be in the world to impress anyone. He also seemed like a hard worker... Like someone I could relate to. The nun to me, seemed like a very nice lady who didn't dress poorly, but also didn't dress like she was better than anyone else.

When choosing characters to put into your game, you must think of the kinds of details like Chaucer used while describing his characters. For instance, if your game is about space ships and fighting aliens, you may not want to use a princess as one of your fighting characters. But then again, that might be pretty cool because it would be different. Still yet, you have to think of the kinds of characters to use in your video game because when you just put things together without thinking of details, it doesn't always work out.


- When the first teller of Beowulf prepared to share the tale, what assumptions do you think he (or she) made about the purpose of the story?

The way the story is told made me think the teller might not have thought Beowulf was going to defeat the monster, but that thought might be in me head because I honestly didn't think he would do it. The detail the teller gives about the monster, Grendel, makes him sound like he can't be defeated. The teller might have thought the purpose of the story was to tell about a man, Beowulf, killing a murderous monster named Grendel whom no one believed could be defeated.

- How do you think the storyteller's beliefs about the intended audience--men gathered in mead halls--affect the content of the story?

I was expecting the story to be more grousome and give a little more detail about how the men were killed. Most modern day stories are told like that.

- How do you think YOUR beliefs about your video games' intended audience (you will need to determine who your audience is) will affect the development and final version of your game? Think of age appropriateness, learning goals, types of characters, etc.

When someone plays a video game they can criticize on how to better the game, which will help a lot because you will know what to change and how to change it. I know my partner and I should create a game that is age appropriate for everyone. We also need to think of how to make it fun for most people so our game can be enjoyed more.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


This class is so stressful because I've missed way too much school and I'm really far behind. I have so much to catch up on. I have to blog about Chossing a Topic, Mini Game, Imaging Your Game, and Paper Prototyping. This is a lot of work to do and I'm really mad at myself for not trying as hard as I usually do. And I'm pretty sure my partner, Jessi and I are going to have to start all over on our game because we didn't know until the other day that we had to do it on a certain subject. I hope I can do all this on time. We are staying after school tomorrow (Thursday) to try and get caught up as much as possible. Wish us luck !

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I'm So Bored!

Today in class, we are supposed to be finishing our prototyping assignment, but my partner isn't here at school today and she has all our stuff. But it's okay because Ms. McChesney isn't here either. I'm super bored so I decided to make a blog today because there is nothing else to do. MTV has been at our school video taping some of the students here for an event we do called Challenge Day. They are making a documentary which I think is pretty cool because my school is going to be on MTV. But the only thing that gets on my nerves is the camera people. They are so rude and just run into people while they are following the ones who are being recorded around; they don't even say they are sorry. Haha. I am so bored and I'm just rambeling on about nothing so I guess I'm going to find some other way to entertain myself.